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Requests are transmitted to Xactus360 over the internet using secure HTTPS transfers.

To send the request, set the “Content-Type” header to “text/xml” and execute an HTTPS POST to the URL endpoint with the XML request as the body of the POST.


All requests to Xactus360 must be authenticated. Authentication credentials are supplied as parameters in the URL request. The URL parameters must properly encode all “reserved characters”.

To obtain the endpoint and testing credentials (Operator ID/LoginAccountIdentifier and password), please email

Surrogate Ordering

Surrogate ordering allows for a generic operator to order reports on behalf of a specific operator.

The generic operator can be leveraged while the specific operator placing the order is recorded as the “ordering operator”. Any order charges will reflect under the “ordering operator” on the customer’s invoice.

A colon ':' will be passed in the LoginAccountIdentifier to separate the generic operator and the individual's Operator ID. Only the generic operator password is passed in the POST.

MISMO 2.3.1 Example POST with Surrogate Ordering:
